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Standardt COAT B vitamin is a broad B-vitamin supplements for dogs and cats. Fur and skin from the inside!
Standardt COAT B vitamin can, if necessary, help stimulate coat composition, quality of coat, skin, claws and pigmentation. Extra Biotin (B7) found in the claws and pigmentation. Also contains the minerals zinc and selenium for additional effect. In brewer's yeast is also natural substances that promote micro flora in the digestive tract.
Signs that extra nutrients would be required is if the fur lose luster, pigmentation, become lifeless, unusually heavy coat precipitate, or in poor fur sales. All these symptoms may be reasons why there may be a dietary / nutrition related problems. Other times when it may be helpful to add extra nutrition is the spring / autumn precipitation.
Excellent for those who prepare their own meals. Be sure to mix in Standardt FUR vitamin B only when the food has cooled, high temperatures can break down / injury nutrient levels / raw materials. Can also be used together with a complete feed (dry, wet or fresh feed).
Standardt COAT B vitamin is a Svenskutvecklad- / manufactured product, registered and approved by the Board of Agriculture. Contains only ingredients that are tested and approved according to Swedish standards, rules and laws.
Vitamins & minerals / trace elements can help to:
Coat Conditioners
Nutrition-related problems can help:
Worse fur typesetting / pigments
heavy precipitate
glanlös / lifeless fur
brittle chlorine
Table Of Contents
Brewer's yeast, colostrum, calcium carbonate
Weight of dog Dosage / day
0-5 kg 0.5 tsp
5-10 kg 1 tsp
10-20 kg 2 tsp
20-30 kg 1 tbsp
30-40 kg 1.3 tablespoons
40-50 kg 1.6 tablespoons
50+ kg 2+ tbsp
Cat's weight Dosage / day
0-2.5 kg 0.5 tsp
2.5-5 kg 1 tsp
5+ kg 1.5 tsp
1 teaspoon = approximately 2.9 g.Dosering should be distributed over the day all targets. Should be phased in with +1/4 each week until the full application rate is reached.
More info
Label Standardt
Country of Sweden
Use Vitamin
Form Powder
Crude protein (%) 36.60
Ash (%) 17.30
Crude fiber (%) 1.30
Calcium (%) 4.10
Phosphorus (%) 1.20
Vitamin A (IU / kg) 200 000.00
Selenium (mg / kg) 3.55