Cavy Performance is a high fibrous alfalfa -based pellets , mixed with essential nutrients that are important for a growing, a pregnant or lactating guinea pigs. Cavy Performance bring your guinea pig necessary fiber and contains optimal levels of protein and calcium which is good for the development of a growing guinea pigs.
The additional calories in Cavy Performance makes it ideal for a guinea pig that has trouble maintaining weight due to aging , illness or stress.
Guinea pigs require daily supplementation of vitamin C . CavyPerformance includes stay- 35, a stabilized form of Vitamin C that last for six months.
Main ingredients:
Alfalfafhö = fiber and protein
Soya fiber = protein and healthy fat
Wheat = carbohydrate and energy
Feeding Instructions :
Growing and lactating animals should have free access to pellet
The nutrition according to analysis
Fibers min 22-23 %
Protein min 18 %
Fat 1 min , 5%
Calcium min 0.60%
Calcium max 1.1%
Phosphorus min 0.25%
Vitamin C IU / kg 140
Vitamin E IU / kg 140
Sold in 3 different sizes. 4,5 och11.33 kg bag is taken in the order against prepayment.