- Human products
- Dog
- Activation
- Beds and blankets
- Bowls, food bars, etc.
- Cages
- Candy and chewing bones
- Collars
- Dog bags
- Dog clothes
- Feed
- Harnesses
- Leash
- Toys
- Training and competition
- Cones
- Defence
- Go nicely on a leash
- Klickers
- Retrieves
- Service Quilt
- Track and seek
- Treat bags
- Whistles
- Cat
- Rodents and rabbits
- Bird
- Fish
- Reptile
- Horse
- Care, cleaning, supplements and
- Other, Miscellaneous
- Clothing for man
K9 COMPETITION NANO MIST is a "leave-in" - conditioner with quick Antistatic and powerful investigative power. Spray on dry or damp hair to facilitate and protect the brushing. Spray extra on tangles and massaging the investigation. The spray is soft, caring and giving hair strength, natural glow and increased moisture balance - with long lasting effects. K9 COMPETITION NANO MIST allows extra light coat brushed and gives great volume. It prevents tangles and wear and is time saving. K9 COMPETITION NANO MIST suit all hair types and animals. The extremely small nano liposomes penetrate the scales on the hair shaft and adds the extra top-finish sought - especially to show Active principles: Aloe Vera (100% pure, certified) D-Panthenol (Vitamin B5) Wheat protein Nano-Liposomes The carefully tested formula gives |