- Human products
- Dog
- Activation
- Beds and blankets
- Bowls, food bars, etc.
- Cages
- Candy and chewing bones
- Collars
- Dog bags
- Dog clothes
- Feed
- Harnesses
- Leash
- Toys
- Training and competition
- Cones
- Defence
- Go nicely on a leash
- Klickers
- Retrieves
- Service Quilt
- Track and seek
- Treat bags
- Whistles
- Cat
- Rodents and rabbits
- Bird
- Fish
- Reptile
- Horse
- Care, cleaning, supplements and
- Other, Miscellaneous
- Clothing for man
Swedish-made quality products!
Stainless Food bars at different heights to dogs or other animals.
Easily fastened to the wall with the supplied screws. Bowls not included.
Bowls that fit the bars:
1 x 2 L & 2 x 2 L - 2 liter high bowl, 1.5 iters lid bowl
1 x 4 L & 2 x 4 L - 4 liter high bowl, 2.5 liter lid bowl.
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