- Human products
- Dog
- Activation
- Beds and blankets
- Bowls, food bars, etc.
- Cages
- Candy and chewing bones
- Collars
- Dog bags
- Dog clothes
- Feed
- Harnesses
- Leash
- Toys
- Balls, with and without strings
- Bath toys
- Beep toys
- Kamp toys, motivational toys
- Plush and other soft toys
- Training and competition
- Cat
- Rodents and rabbits
- Bird
- Fish
- Reptile
- Horse
- Care, cleaning, supplements and
- Other, Miscellaneous
- Clothing for man
Very durable and sustainable product.
The dogs have difficulty chewing congener because of the rubber thickness and hardness.
The 20 cm long rope is tied with double knots and can only with great difficulty separated from congener.
8.5 cm Weight 175 grams.
9.5 cm Weight 220 grams.
Sold in 2 different sizes and in red and blue.