- Human products
- Dog
- Cat
- Beds, igloos, etc.
- Bowls
- Candy, catnip, etc.
- Cat doors
- Cat Food
- Cat Furniture and other scratchi
- Collars, harnesses and leashes
- Collars
- Harnesses
- Leash
- Toilets
- Toys
- Transport Cages
- Rodents and rabbits
- Bird
- Fish
- Reptile
- Horse
- Care, cleaning, supplements and
- Other, Miscellaneous
- Clothing for man
8 meter Band leash.
XL for more than 75 kg.
Even if the dog weighs less than 75 kg should always keep in mind that the force dog gets up at 8 meter running distance can make it heavier than usual. Select the maximum weight with reflection.
Only in black/green.
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