English Svenska

High Potency Coarse



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Lining developed with extra nutrients for growing, breeding or moulting birds. Even for species and individuals with an increased need for protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Recommended use:

To support or end moult
To accelerate the opening of new feathers which are in the pen
To speed up the healing process of dry and crusted skin
During the weaning phase, respectively. up to the age of 6-8 months
In order to increase weight after a brief illness
After medical treatment
For birds that depend on feed with a higher fat content year round (Grey parrot, hyacinth macaws and palm cockatoos)
6-8 weeks before egg laying
For rearing juveniles
In th first 6 months after the switch from seed mixtures to Dr. Harrisons complete feed

Recommended daily amount:
Small parrots 1-2 tablespoons (10-20 grams)
Medium Parrots 2-3 tablespoons (20-30 grams)
Large parrots (cockatoos, macaws) 3-10 tablespoons (30-100 g)

11.34 kg bag is taken in order to prepay. 

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