- Human products
- Dog
- Activation
- Beds and blankets
- Bowls, food bars, etc.
- Cages
- Candy and chewing bones
- Collars
- Dog bags
- Dog clothes
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- Toys
- Training and competition
- Cones
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- Go nicely on a leash
- Klickers
- Retrieves
- Service Quilt
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- Cat
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- Horse
- Care, cleaning, supplements and
- Other, Miscellaneous
- Clothing for man
Professional trimmer with 2 speeds. Several cuts and combs can be purchased.
Trimmers, oil, cutting 1.5mm and instructions included.
4000 movements / min at the bit!
A powerful machine that can be used for all dogs and cats regardless
coat texture or thickness.
Trimmer Weight 665 grams.
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